How do you get the windshield replacement deductibles waived?

A damaged windshield demands immediate action. Be it repair or replacement, you simply cannot afford any sort of delay in getting the windshield fixed.

Windshield replacement is usually expensive. Yes, insurance will cut off the costs, but deductibles would still be your part to pay. However, there are always certain reliable ways to ensure that you don’t have to pay deductibles at all. Our car glass replacement Ottawa team explains these ways in this blog.

How do you define deductibles?

Deductibles come into the picture when you get your windshield replaced. The amount excluding the insurance amount that you need to pay to get your windshield replaced is termed deductibles.

In simple words, yes insurance will subside the windshield replacement payment amount to a considerable extent, but still, there will be a certain amount that you will have to pay from your pocket. This amount is termed deductible.

Let’s get this term clear with an example. For instance, the quoted amount for your windshield replacement is $1000. The insurance amount will pay you $700. You will be paying $300 from your pocket. This $300 is termed deductible as you will be paying this amount from your pocket.

Types of Insurance Coverages:

Read out the types of insurance coverage and the coverages available under each:

Windshield Replacement Deductibles Waived - Windshield Replacement Ottawa1) Comprehensive insurance coverage: Cars that have comprehensive insurance coverage mostly cover both, windshield repair and replacement. Comprehensive insurance coverage incorporates the damage due to vehicles, natural disasters, animals, and much more.

The range with comprehensive insurance coverage is quite huge, which is definitely a major benefit of this insurance coverage. However, it’s always wise to check the company’s terms and conditions before you redeem this insurance coverage.

2) Windshield insurance: Windshield insurance is a simple extension to comprehensive insurance coverage. If the windshield gets damaged, cracked, or chipped, the windshield insurance comes into the picture. Most windshield insurance covers up to 100% of your auto glass related claims.

3) Car collision/Liability insurance: Car collision insurance is your answer when you aren’t at the fault for your windshield damage. Certain times it happens that the collision includes no fault of the car owner at all.

If another driver is found to be at the fault, the entire cost of windshield repair or replacement would be covered under car collision insurance.

However, a basic collision coverage may not cover windshield chip or cracks arising from stones hitting the windshield or falling ice. Check with your insurance for details.

Now the good news…

Be Safe & Save on Your Auto Glass Deductible

Auto Glass Ottawa understands the financial burden that comes with insurance deductibles. That’s why we offer to waive a portion of your deductible, depending on your vehicle and insurance provider. We believe in providing affordable solutions for our customers, ensuring that you receive high-quality repair services without breaking the bank. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your deductible and get your vehicle back on the road safely and swiftly. Be Safe & Save on your Repairs.

Our windshield replacement Ottawa team highly recommends that no matter to what extent the damage is, you get it fixed on an immediate basis.

If your car’s windshield has gone through any sort of damage, and if it requires professional attention, you can count on our door glass replacement Ottawa team to do the job right for you. Our team will ensure that your windshield gets the best and the most efficient services. Our team would also ensure that claiming insurance coverage is easy for you. To reach out to our team, contact us at 613-234-9111.

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