Everything you need to know about windshield scratches

Getting scratches on your car’s windshield is both frustrating and dangerous. But it’s completely common. However, it’s necessary to get rid of these scratches as soon as possible as scratches really compromise your safety.

Our windshield replacement Ottawa team highly recommends that you reach out to the professionals on an immediate basis when you notice scratches on your car’s windshield.

What makes scratches on your car’s windshield dangerous?

So, what are the reasons that make scratches on your car’s windshield dangerous? And why do they require immediate attention? Checkout the answers below.

  1. Scratches on your car’s windshield damage the overall structural integrity of your car. It plays with your overall safety.
  2. Scratches in certain cases often hinder the visibility of the driver, which increases the chances of accidents.
  3. Scratches take no time to expand and hence cause severe chip disasters. Hence, it’s always best to get the car scratches repaired as soon as possible.

What causes scratches on your car’s windshield?

Checkout some of the most common causes for the scratches on your car’s windshield below.

Everything About Windshield Scratches - Windshield Replacement Ottawa1) Inefficient cleaning: This is one of the most common reasons for the scratches on your car’s windshield. People often use hard materials to clean the car’s windshield, which causes scratches.

Hence, it’s always recommended that you stay gentle with your car cleaning and use things like a soft microfibre cloth towel to clean your car’s windshield.

2) Debris and dust particles: Rocks and other particles flying on the road are another common reason for the scratches on your car’s windshield.

The flying debris exerts an unwanted pressure on your car’s windshield, which eventually causes scratches and chip damage.

3) Wiper blades: Windshield blades might age and get hardened, hence, causing scratches on your car’s windshield.

How to prevent scratches on your car’s windshield?

So, how do you prevent scratches on your car’s windshield and increase the lifespan of the same? We list the answers below. Read them out.

1) Be right with windshield cleaning: As mentioned, being hard with the car cleaning often causes scratches on your car’s windshield. Hence, it’s necessary to be gentle with windshield cleaning.

Use the right cleaning materials like a soft microfibre towel. Also, using warm water is a good practice to ensure the efficient cleaning of your car’s windshield.

Hence, the first step to ensure efficient cleaning of your windshield; be right and gentle with your windshield cleaning.

2) Use correct wiper fluids: Keeping the wiper fluid reservoir always full is one of the most reliable and efficient ways to keep the scratches away from your car’s windshield. The wiper fluid plays a very crucial role in terms of maintaining your car’s windshield.

Our windshield replacement Ottawa team highly recommends that you get your wiper fluid checked once in a while to ensure that is always in the top-notch state.

3) Try to park your car in a closed space: Dust particles and debris cause minor scratches on your car’s windshield. Hence, it’s better to park your car in a closed space whenever and wherever possible.

Parking your car in the garage space, basements, etc. is one of the most reliable ways to keep the windshield scratches away from your car.

4) Clean blades at regular intervals: Wiper blades are exposed to dust particles on a regular basis, which makes them dirty. These dust particles bring scratches on your car’s windshield.

Hence, it’s necessary that you clean your windshield wipers at regular intervals and ensure that dust particles don’t get stuck on the wipers. It will reduce the chances of scratches acquiring your car’s windshield to a great extent.

5) Never ignore the small scratches: One of the major mistakes that car owners make is ignoring the small scratches. Remember, it takes no time for the small scratches to expand. Hence, whenever you notice minor scratches on your car’s windshield, reach out to the professionals and get them fixed without any delay.

We hope that you are now clear with the causes and some of the best ways to prevent scratches from damaging your car’s windshield.

Yes, scratches are annoying and dangerous, but there’s always a way to prevent them. If you are noticing scratches on your car’s windshield, and if you are looking for professionals to get them sorted, you can count on our auto glass replacement Ottawa experts to do the job right for you.

Our experts will ensure that your windshield gets the most efficient services in absolutely no time. To reach out to our high-rated team, call us at 613-234-9111.

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